Friday, October 16, 2009

Hello, world.

Apparently, I haven't written a thing since late July. Oops.

Briefly, this is what has been happening: August was a hot, miserable month. It was all I could do most days to get the basics done, I was so uncomfortably, hugely pregnant and boy, was it HOT. I was cranky and whiny, and if I had posted at all my posts would have been huge, steaming piles of self-pity and late-pregnancy hormones.

Our new baby, Audrey Grace, arrived on September 10, and I've been far too busy loving on her to blog at all.

Isn't she lovely? 8 lbs, 5 oz, and 21 inches tall.

I had an uneventful C-section, but my recovery has been rough. It's been five weeks, and I'm still pretty sore and uncomfortable at my incision. I made the mistake of picking Nathanael up yesterday (he was running away from me, I didn't have time to think!), and I am really sore today, but hopefully soon I will be pain free.

Chris took 6 weeks of family leave from work, but he goes back this Saturday, and hopefully once he's back on a "normal" schedule, it will be easier for me to get back to my own "normal" schedule. We all could use some routine again. It's easy for Aliyah, since she has school every day, but Nathanael and I are definitely not thriving on a get-up-and-get-dressed-whenever schedule.

I bought Nathanael some of the Kumon First Steps workbooks, and that is going to be a good portion of what we do for "school" over the next few months, along with some Lauri puzzles/stacking/stringing things, and reading lots of stories aloud together.

So that, in a nutshell, is what has been going on. I hope to get back to posting more regularly soon!