Sunday, July 26, 2009

A really good weekend

This week was my wedding anniversary/birthday week. When we were planning our wedding, I wanted to get married on my birthday itself -- it seemed like an efficient use of special occasions, and only required Chris to remember one date. :-D But July 24, 2005 was a Sunday, and my pastor just didn't want to perform the ceremony on a Sunday, so we did it the day before instead.

Because of Chris's ever-changing work schedule, we don't really get to enjoy holidays and birthdays and things on the days themselves very often; but this year, his already scheduled days off just happened to be our anniversary and my birthday! My mom took the kids for our "weekend," and we got to spend a whole 48 hours alone together. We went out to dinner, went to see a movie that wasn 't animated, and just hung around the house together enjoying the peace and quiet. It was glorious. And, this is a terrible thing to admit to, but the house got messier over our weekend than it has been since we moved in! I really wasn't concerned about cleaning up, I just wanted to enjoy my special days, but I did at least get the kitchen clean before the kids came back on Saturday.

It was so much fun to just chill with my favorite person for two days and not have to worry about anything or anybody but ourselves, just for a little while. We'll have to try and do this again next year!

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