Monday, March 30, 2009

Matrimonial Monday

I don't intend to have a theme for every day of the week, but at least if I did it would give me something to write about, right? Right! And because I am a fan of alliteration, I need a "M" word to go with Monday. Money? No thanks. Moody? That would turn into a weekly pity-party right quick. Mercurial is a fun word to say, but not terribly inspiring. But since I am married, and most other people either are married, will be married, or have been married, marriage seems like a good choice of subject matter! "Matrimonial Monday" sounds much better than "Marriage Monday," so there we are. Problem created and solved in less than 3 minutes.

Now, what would I like to say about matrimony today?

I like being married. I really, really do. We're still shy of the 4 year mark, so I know our happiness in being married to each other is often attributed to still being "newlyweds," but regardless of why we're happy (and it's not just because we haven't had time to learn to hate each other yet), we are HAPPY.

So today's post is just a shout-out to my wonderful husband, who puts up with a LOT -- being married to me can't possibly be all sunshine and puppy dogs like he says it is -- who loves me to pieces, who is always patient, always kind, and almost always knows when to stop tickling before I start to honestly get mad about it. He is also a fantastic father, plays a decent game of Scrabble, and never forgets to put the seat down.

I love you, honey!

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